Monday, February 20, 2006

Anti-gay Kansas church group to picket soldier's funeral in Oklahoma

I figured this group was protesting at the funeral of a fallen gay soldier. They have shown up in the past at services for people who died of AIDS, but no. According to the Dallas Morning News, Monday February 20, 2006, "The church group would picket the funeral to promote its belief that the deaths of U.S. troops reflected God's wrath against America's tolerance of homosexuality." Click here to read the entire article.

Apparently this group's demonstrations often have no direct connection with gay people, events or associations. They blame America's acceptance of gays for a wide variety of things -- Hurricane Katrina, 9/11, the Columbia shuttle disaster, the 14 West Virginia coal miners who died in January and almost every other recent disaster in America.

The image is from the Associated Press.


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